Core Values

Why We Do What We Do at North Pointe

Our Mission

To Be Christ In Our Community

The 7 Core Values below, drive our mission in everything we do.

Core Values

#1 The Bible is True

The Bible is true so we prioritize Biblical application in all areas of ministry.

#2 People Matter to God

People matter to God so we will reach out and care for everyone.

#3 All Believers are Missionaries

All believers are missionaries so our methods of communicating the unchanging Gospel must change with culture.

#4 Life Change Happens Best Through Relationships

Life change happens best through relationships so we strive to build relationships in all we do.

#5 Spiritual Growth Happens Best Through Transparency

Spiritual growth happens best through transparency so we will foster transparency in all we do.

#6 Excellence Honors God and Inspires People

Excellence honors God and inspires people so we will strive for excellence in everything.

#7 Each of Us is a Work in Progress

Each of us is a work in progress so we will continually extend forgiveness and grace.